Dr Amanda van Vegten

Course: Resilience - Beyond Risk Management

Image of Dr Amanda van Vegten

Dr Amanda van Vegten is an expert in organisational development and learning, leadership, human factors, patient safety and whole-system quality management. Since 2019 she has been the co-head of quality management and patient safety at University Hospital Zurich and sits on various expert boards (OECD, Unimed, IQM, CIBOSurg). Dr Van Vegten was one of the pioneers in establishing a sustainable system-wide incident reporting and learning system, various patient safety and quality modules, a national safety culture survey and a co-leadership model, advancing both collaborative leadership and content expertise.

She lectures across multiple academic and professional disciplines such as quality, risk and safety management; learning from errors; resilient leadership; and culture and change in complex systems at ETH Zurich and other universities. During the course of her research and consulting work she has implemented safety-culture, focusing and high-reliability organising principles in diverse settings.

Her extensive experience of leadership, healthcare quality and safety enriches her role as an ETH Zurich academic.

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