Information Material

On this page you find information materials about the MAS MTEC programme. You also have the option to leave your contact details to receive updates and stay informed.        


Download Brochure MAS MTEC

Our information brochure outlines the key features of the programme. It highlights recent developments, such as the mentoring programme and integrative student-alumni learning formats and provides information on the admission requirements. 

external page Download MAS MTEC Brochure


Enlarged view: Perspectives MAS MTEC

In "Perspectives" you will gain insights from MAS graduates with diverse backgrounds. Our alumni recount why they have chosen the MAS MTEC programme, what their expectations and experiences were and where they stand today.

Download Download MAS MTEC Perspectives (PDF, 6.6 MB)

Information about our students and alumni

Get in touch and book a personal consultation

Take the opportunity for a personal exchange with our Admissions Team.

external page Book a personal consultation

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