Performance Assessments

At ETH, there are three types of performance assessments. During your studies at MAS​ MTEC, most are end-​of-semester examinations held shortly after the end of the lecture periods.

Performance assessments are either graded or evaluated on a pass/fail basis. The grading scale ranges from 1.0 to 6.0 in quarter-​​grade (0.25) intervals. The minimum passing grade is 4.0, and the maximum grade is 6.0. You may repeat failed performance assessments once.

Types of performance assessments

End-​of-semester examinations are department-​specific performance assessments that are carried out during the first two weeks of the semester vacation. As the department plans these examinations, their dates are not displayed in myStudies. Instead, the corresponding examination schedule is published on this web page and emailed to you in due time.

Session examinations are carried out twice a year. After registering, the schedule for the session examinations is displayed in myStudies. Some session examinations may only be offered in certain semesters.

Semester performances are graded or ungraded assessments during the semester or as part of irregular courses such as block courses.

Examination dates

Further information

Learn more about ETH performance assessments and its legal basis on the ETH website.


MAS MTEC Student Services

  • +41 44 632 67 96

Weinbergstrasse 56/58
WEV E 11
8092 Zurich

ETH Examinations Office

  • +41 44 632 20 68

ETH Zurich
Rämistrasse 101
HG F 18
8092 Zurich

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