MTEC Day 2022

On 4 November 2022, the MTEC Department honoured its MSc, MAS and doctoral graduates at this year’s MTEC Day. MTEC Day is an annual event that brings together graduates, alumni, faculty and key stakeholders from business and academia with the aim of strengthening the personal and professional relationships between them.
Heading North

In Spring 2022, 27 students travelled to Oslo as part of their MAS MTEC studies. On their seven-day adventure, packed with company visits, workshops, and networking events, the students experienced Norwegian business culture first hand.
Spring Semester 2022 Course Highlights – Circular Economy, Energy Policy and Learning Strategies

[D-MTEC News] The D-MTEC curriculum is evolving. It now includes a seminar on energy policy and a course on effective learning strategies. Read more for a glimpse into the new courses as well as a description of a seminar on circular-economy-driven business models.