MAS+ C-Suite Talk with Holger Laubenthal

This MAS+ Talk with Holger Laubenthal, CEO Cembra Money Bank, focused on current business challenges and the pace of technological advances, and was followed by an interactive discussion.

Event details

  • Date: 26 April 2023
  • Time: 17.30–19.00, followed by an apéro 
  • Venue: ETH Zurich, LEE building, E 101


Holger Laubenthal


Holger Laubenthal earned a Master’s degree in industrial engineering at the Technical University of Berlin. After several years in consulting and as a financial-planning manager at Daimler AG, he completed an MBA at Harvard Business School. Prior to becoming CEO at Cembra Money Bank, Mr Laubenthal held several upper-management positions and was a member of the board at various companies in the USA, Germany, Russia and the Middle East.